Indira Gandhi Memorial Library

                 List of Ebooks in Life Sciences subject subscribed from Cambridge University Press                   

S.No. Title
1 A Cybernetic View of Biological Growth
2 A First Course in Statistical Programming with R
3 A First Course in Statistical Programming with R
4 A Primer of Botanical Latin with Vocabulary
5 Aaron Klug - A Long Way from Durban
6 Advances in Irrigation Agronomy
7 Advances in Irrigation Agronomy
8 Advances in Statistical Bioinformatics
9 Advances in Tea Agronomy
10 An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics
11 An Introduction to Genetic Engineering
12 An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development
13 An Introduction to the Invertebrates
14 Analysis of Multivariate and High-Dimensional Data
15 Analyzing Network Data in Biology and Medicine
16 Anatomy of Flowering Plants
17 Animal Contests
18 Apoptosis
19 Bacterial Genomics
20 Bacteriophage Ecology
21 Basic Biotechnology
22 Basic Phylogenetic Combinatorics
23 Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis with BEAST
24 Bayesian Inference for Gene Expression and Proteomics
25 Bayesian Nonparametrics
26 Biodiversity in Dead Wood
27 Biogeography of Australasia
28 Biogeography of Microscopic Organisms
29 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Drug Discovery and Development
30 Biological Thermodynamics
31 Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes
32 Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Cold Regions
33 Biotechnology
34 Bryophyte Biology
35 Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change
36 Cephalopod Behaviour
37 Chemical Biophysics
38 Chemical Genomics
39 Chromatographic Processes
40 Climate Change, Ecology and Systematics
41 Commercializing Successful Biomedical Technologies
42 Computational Phylogenetics
43 Continuous Biopharmaceutical Processes
44 Control of Crop Diseases
45 Dance to the Tune of Life
46 Descriptive Taxonomy
47 Dinosaurs
48 Diving Physiology of Marine Mammals and Seabirds
49 Dogs
50 Dynamics of Engineered Artificial Membranes and Biosensors
51 Early Events in Monocot Evolution
52 Early Flowers and Angiosperm Evolution
53 Ecological Communities
54 Ecology and Conservation of the Sirenia
55 Ecology of the Acanthocephala
56 Ecology of Woodlands and Forests
57 Economic Botany
58 EMBOSS Administrator's Guide
59 EMBOSS Developer's Guide
60 Endophytes for a Growing World
61 Epigenomics
62 Essential Bioinformatics
63 Evolution in Isolation
64 Evolution of Plant-Pollinator Relationships
65 Evolutionary Dynamics of Plant-Pathogen Interactions
66 Evolving Animals
67 Exploitation of Fungi
68 Fern Ecology
69 Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems
70 Flora of Great Britain and Ireland
71 Floral Diagrams
72 Flowers on the Tree of Life
73 Fred Sanger - Double Nobel Laureate
74 From Plant Traits to Vegetation Structure
75 Fundamentals of Inflammation
76 Fungal Biology in the Origin and Emergence of Life
77 Fungi in Biogeochemical Cycles
78 Fungi in the Environment
79 G Protein-Coupled Receptors
80 Gene Cloning and Manipulation
81 Genetic Mapping in Experimental Populations
82 Genetic Suspects
83 Genetically Modified Organisms in Developing Countries
84 Genetics, Ethics and Education
85 Genome Editing and Engineering
86 Genomes, Browsers and Databases
87 Genome-Scale Algorithm Design
88 Genome-Wide Association Studies
89 Governing Digitally Integrated Genetic Resources, Data, and Literature
90 Governing Risk in GM Agriculture
91 Guttation
92 Handbook of the Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland
93 History of the Australian Vegetation
94 How the Snake Lost its Legs
95 Human Evolution
96 Human Identity and Identification
97 Humans, Animals, and the Craft of Slaughter in Archaeo-Historic Societies
98 Imaging Dopamine
99 In Defense of Pluralism
100 Information Processing by Neuronal Populations
101 Integer Linear Programming in Computational and Systems Biology
102 Integrated Pest Management
103 Integrating Omics Data
104 Interactions in the Marine Benthos
105 Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation
106 Introduction to Bryophytes
107 Introduction to Computational Genomics
108 Introduction to Hidden Semi-Markov Models
109 Introduction to Plant Fossils
110 Label-Free Biosensors
111 Large-Scale Inference
112 Leaf Optical Properties
113 Lichen Biology
114 Lime-trees and Basswoods
115 Major Flowering Trees of Tropical Gardens
116 Making Sense of Genes
117 Marsupials
118 Methodologies for Metabolomics
119 Methods for Computational Gene Prediction
120 Methods in Molecular Biophysics
121 Methods of Molecular Analysis in the Life Sciences
122 MicroRNAs
123 Models of Life
124 Modern Prometheus
125 Modern Prometheus
126 Molecular Imaging with Reporter Genes
127 Molecular Machines in Biology
128 Molecular Medicine for Clinicians
129 Multiscale Modeling of Cancer
130 Mutualism
131 Networks in Cell Biology
132 Neuronal Dynamics
133 Next Generation Systematics
134 NMR Studies of Translational Motion
135 Optimal High-Throughput Screening
136 Optogenetics
137 Paleozoology and Paleoenvironments
138 Parasite Diversity and Diversification
139 Parasites and Infectious Disease
140 Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands
141 Pesticide Selectivity, Health and the Environment
142 Pheromones and Animal Behavior
143 Phycology
144 Phylogenetic Networks
145 Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
146 Plant Conservation Science and Practice
147 Plant Evolutionary Developmental Biology
148 Plant Microevolution and Conservation in Human-influenced Ecosystems
149 Plant Physiology
150 Plant Variation and Evolution
151 Plants
152 Plants and Microclimate
153 Plants and the K-T Boundary
154 Plants at the Margin
155 Plants of Oceanic Islands
156 Plastid Biology
157 Practical Plant Identification
158 Predictive Toxicology in Drug Safety
159 Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience
160 Problems and Solutions in Biological Sequence Analysis
161 Prokaryotic Metabolism and Physiology
162 Protein Condensation
163 Protein Interaction Networks
164 Python Programming for Biology
165 Reaching for the Sun
166 Recombinant Antibodies for Immunotherapy
167 Regenerative Pharmacology
168 Reproductive Skew in Vertebrates
169 Respiratory Physiology of Vertebrates
170 Riding High
171 Seaweed Ecology and Physiology
172 Seedling Ecology and Evolution
173 Small Molecule Therapy for Genetic Disease
174 Successful Agricultural Innovation in Emerging Economies
175 Sustainable Development at Risk
176 Systems Biology
177 Systems Biology
178 Systems Biology of Cancer
179 Systems Biology: Simulation of Dynamic Network States
180 Systems Genetics
181 Temporal Dynamics and Ecological Process
182 Terrestrial Photosynthesis in a Changing Environment
183 The Biology of Island Floras
184 The Biology of Reproduction
185 The Botany of Mangroves
186 The Diatoms
187 The Ecology of Phytoplankton
188 The Future of Phylogenetic Systematics
189 The Inner Workings of Life
190 The Mammalian Jaw
191 The Names of Plants
192 The Nature of Plant Communities
193 The NEURON Book
194 The PCR Revolution
195 The Physics of Cancer
196 The Shaping of Life
197 The Systems View of Life
198 The Vegetation of Antarctica through Geological Time
199 The Zebrafish
200 Topological Data Analysis for Genomics and Evolution
201 Trace Elements in Plants
202 Translational Medicine and Drug Discovery
203 Trees
204 Vector- and Rodent-Borne Diseases in Europe and North America
205 Vegetation Dynamics